Everlasting You.

1 min readApr 27, 2018

It’s easy to think and difficult to forget.How memories are diamonds that we get.

It’s petrifying to lose a someone dear and close, As situations get weak and distant as it goes.

It’s stupid to think there’s a best one out there, Our mind just builds images worth a good share.

It’s wise to know nothing ever stays up tall, People loving us a lil’ less will only make us fall.

It’s a pain to grow happily and wither in silence, Qualities and mistakes together brings finesse.

It’s hard letting go times that are fixed to resolve,But getting off the negative surprisingly evolves.

It’s confusing to analyse the list of wrong, Maybe the right things just wasn’t enough long.

It’s time to greet the future, forgiving the past,You yourself are the only person with whom you are born to last.




Mumbai girl narrating experiencing Japanese culture while learning kanjis in Tokyo